Ash Jurberg: Writer. Traveler. Comedian. Marketer. Bad Singer. Ash is a writer who uses words adeptly to entertain and inform. He has over 20 years of marketing and business experience An avid traveller who has visited 105 countries Top Writer on Medium in Co-Editor of the Inspired Writer, Written with Love and Greener Pastures Father of twin boys Loves bullet points. You can subscribe to his free email at ashjurberg.substack.com
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Let's skip past the obvious and look at a few tips you may not...
50 Shades of Blue — Why Color...
Google’s obsession with color led to an additional $200 million in revenue
If You Want to Be a Successful...
Writing is the easy part; getting people to read your work is much harder
3 Overdone Pieces of Advice I Ignore...
Don’t follow the self-help crowd — find what works best for you
5 Famous Writers Reveal Unusual Ways They...
Different strategies you can implement to kickstart your content creativity
The Wrong Routine Can Destroy You (I...
Ignore the advice from the routine evangelists and forge your own path
Writers Need to Take Advantage of These...
The 3 step marketing approach that can level up your writing career