I love writing and interacting with like-minded people. I own several publications on Medium supporting 16K writers. My writing focus is on health and well-being topics. I have a strong interest in spirituality and mindfulness. My stories can be accessed via my profile https://dr-mehmet-yildiz.medium.com/ or my personal publication https://medium.com/sensible-biohacking-transhumanism I'd like to contribute to this site soon.
Here’s How to Eliminate Food Cravings in...
Food cravings and the irresistible urge to eat are major causes of unnecessary weight...
Here’s What Happened to Gloria After She...
She gained six remarkable benefits that she couldn’t even imagine before.
Forgiveness Can Rewire the Brain for Manifesting...
Here's how to moving from the victim mode of the primitive brain to an...
12 Habits and Mindsets that Revitalize Me...
I don't waste my precious time by living someone else's life