3y ago


Anything that deals with physical memory

3y ago

The iceberg

The iceberg is much bigger then it seems .

3y ago

A cozy spot at home.

It always makes us feel free

3y ago

A room without books is like a...

knowledge and wisdom, goes hand in hand.

3y ago

The Crow

Fly high in these vast oceans.

3y ago

Shooting star

When it ends.

3y ago

False hopes.

better to have a sour heart. then to have sinful hands.

3y ago


A place different every day.

3y ago

The letter

You are beautiful.

4y ago

Rock , Paper and Scissors.

As each moves and afford can changes someone life forever.

4y ago

Dear Dragonfly.

Because you are the dragon and you can fly.

4y ago

The Dinosaur…

Are we behaving like dinosaurs…???