Sushree's Followers

  • Pharmacist-Musician-Lyricist

  • On a journey.

  • I firmly believe in what I say. And i believe that you're cherished. You are gracious. You are valuable and gorgeous.

  • Who am I? Just yet unknown to myself. 💧👣😇 Rumi says - 'You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.' 🌊💧

  • An early teen with a fondness for long words, yellowed pages, and ink. Food will do, too. 🙂

  • Grace carried me here and by grace I'll get through. A midget bhakta walking and stumbling seeking his footsteps.

  • Work in progress

  • A seeker in search of true meaning of life, an interior designer by profession, and a lover of music.

  • A servant. A survivor. An eternal student. Born, raised, lived and learned in London, England. Now, by the Grace of my Guru, Om Swami ji, I am an evolving monk living in the Himalayan hills. I don't know very much, but life has given me one incredible roller-coaster of a ride. Perhaps my ramblings may be of some interest to you, thank you for reading them. With His Grace, Jai Sri Hari! 🙏🏻 🙂 ❤️

  • A Spiritual seeker, a painter and a IT Professional. I am learning and sometimes sharing! Thank you!

  • Staff Firmware Engineer

  • Floating in Space.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 members