Nothing to write home about. An ignorant child of Divine Mother, just trying to be a humble servant of dharma.
A Fistful of Love
A Fistful of love is my latest paperback containing fifty posts on love, relationships...
The One Principle
A guiding principle is like a lamp. Dispelling the darkness around us, it helps...
A Story of Faith
Here's a beautiful story of faith and surrender from the magnificent epic, the Mahabharata.
Are you Hurting Life?
A beautiful story of compassion and love that has some deep insight to make...
Is Astrology for Real?
Do nine planets, out of the billions in the universe, really control your destiny?
To Love and Be Loved Back
For the caring heart, love knocks on the most unexpected door at the least...
How Much is Enough?
Here's a beautiful story from the life of Alexander the Great on the futility...
Collective Consciousness
The Law of Attraction can manifest your dreams provided you help others to manifest...
No Water No Moon
Here's a beautiful Zen anecdote to help you see beyond faith, conditioning and ego.