Nothing to write home about. An ignorant child of Divine Mother, just trying to be a humble servant of dharma.
The Greatest Spiritual Quality
What is the seed of compassion? Here's my take on the most important virtue...
The Secret of Healthy Relationships
Loving and living are not synonyms. Loving may be an emotional matter but living...
I am Lonely
Loneliness is a natural emotion, but there's a difference between feeling lonely and being...
The Eternal Truth
All living entities are constantly working towards the same truth. It's simple and penetrating....
The Source of Emotions
Emotions are the dewdrops that vanish upon the dawn of mindfulness. Practice this simple...
Single Parents and Broken Marriages
Give yourself a chance to bloom and say no to an abusive marriage. Never...
The Path of Personal Fulfillment
Our happiness depends a great deal on a sense of personal fulfillment and that,...
When They Trigger Anger in You
Do you contain your anger or does anger contain you? Who's resting on whom?
The Greatest Fear
Beyond the fear of unknown, of death, loss, of failure and rejection lies another...
A Word on Compassion
Think of compassion as sacrifice. It is putting other person's interests before your own....
The Anatomy of a Thought
Thoughts are like waves, they may be inviting but they remain transient and volatile....