Nothing to write home about. An ignorant child of Divine Mother, just trying to be a humble servant of dharma.
What is the Meaning of Life?
You can't find your life's meaning in religion or rituals but in the deepest...
How to Raise Children
Practice, don't preach. This is the greatest mantra of raising children and yes, give...
How to Get Rid of Impure Thoughts
The mind is like a monkey, forever hopping from one place to another. It's...
Making Your Dreams Come True
Why do some people succeed quicker than others? Believing in your dreams is the...
Nine Stages of Attaining Bliss
From a turbulent and restless mind to the calm-abiding mind, there are nine stages...
Nine States of Attention
To reach a state of deep absorption requires building your concentration. It's staged and...
Six Principles of Meditation
Tilopa gave six short and profound instructions on meditation to his chief disciple. Every...
What do You Really Want?
We are caged by our desires. Why didn't the nightingale see the snare? Read...
Discovering Your Purpose In Life
If you don't stand for something in life, you end up falling for just...