Where are you going in life?
Most people are busy. Some are busy living, others, lying, many, crying, and a lot are trying. Living seems like an automatic act. You are born, you go to school, you grow up, you get a university education, you get a job, you find a partner, you get married, you have kids, you keep working, you get old and then one day you leave your body. Do you know why you did most of the things you did? Or why you made the certain choices that you did? And do you know where you are heading?
I have recorded a video discourse for you in English. Below is an excerpt from its opening lines.
“Where are you going? Do you know the answer?
Everybody is running; most people are anyway. Some are running to get what they don’t have. Others are running to protect what they have. Many are running to take from others what they (others) have. And some are running to give to others what others don’t have. In summary, most are running to attain something…”
You may also want to read this beautiful story of Buddha titled ‘Wake up! Time is running out’. This story gives you a perspective to have the right view on life around you, a new life begins with a new way of thinking.
Here is also an interesting article from Medium on the importance of slowing down.

There were four members in a household. Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. A bill was overdue. Everybody thought Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it.
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