Let go and breathe in the real you

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5y ago
The Right to Die

Is a graceful voluntary exit better than dragging on with an unbearable life?

5y ago
When Loss Hurts

Here's a beautiful perspective on how to recover from your personal loss

6y ago
The Last Letter

When the day arrives, in the final analysis, what will be on your mind?

10y ago
An Uncomfortable Pause

Is death a matter of choice? Does dying a certain way mean you will or won't go to heaven?

11y ago
The Greatest Fear

Beyond the fear of unknown, of death, loss, of failure and rejection lies another fear. The greatest fear.

11y ago
How did We Happen?

The question you should be asking is not what is the purpose of human life, but what is the purpose of your life.

11y ago
Dealing with Terminal Illness

All rivers merge into the sea, all small things become a part of a bigger phenomenon, it goes back to its source in Nature

12y ago
The Fear of Death

Water evaporates and it rains back, Nature's play continues. Everything in nature is eternal. It only gets transformed.

12y ago
Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One

Over time, ponds may dry up, but they don't disappear. Getting over the loss of a loved one takes time. 

13y ago
The Truth of Death [Hindi]

Death is not just the end of this life but the beginning of a new one too.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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