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11y ago
Three Most Important Questions

If you asked yourself these questions, you might be living your life a bit differently. Read the story.

11y ago
When They don’t Love You Back

What can you do when an apple rots? Matters of the heart are similar. Love is something like that.

11y ago
What is Love?

The light of love is dependent on four conditions. Fail one and it flickers, fail two and it goes away.

11y ago
Love or Attachment

On the tree of life are the cages of desires holding captive the birds of attachment. Love roams freely.

11y ago
The Most Fundamental Human Desire

Feeling loved is like sitting next to a calm ocean. It's inexplicable. You become an ocean yourself. You feel complete.

12y ago
How To Forget Someone

Memories can be like black holes: deep and mysterious. To forget someone you've got to go past the memories.

12y ago
What is Beautiful?

Beneath beauty lies a sense of connection. Whatever you can connect with, you will find beautiful.

12y ago
Unconditional Love

A mother's love is Nature's greatest gift. Unconditional and selfless. It's beyond words.

12y ago
The Value of Love

No one offered Love any place on their boats, except one. Who? Read the story.

12y ago
Why do People Love or Hate You?

People don't love or hate you but what you have to offer. If you have what they want, it's love, otherwise it's hate.

12y ago
The Truth of The Four Queens

A king dearly loved his four wives but when the time came, they abandoned him. Here's a beautiful story.

13y ago
Are you Important?

You see in others what you have in you. If you believe in yourself, you can instill the same in others about themselves.

13y ago
When to Move Out of a Relationship

Sometimes you grow out of a relationship, there's no more joy or attraction. It's time to move on.

13y ago
What is Tolerance?

Look at our planet Earth, providing for everyone, it's ever tolerant, resilient and compassionate.

13y ago
The Practice of Gratitude

Being grateful to others is being grateful to God. Express your gratitude to those around you to experience peace.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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