The Price of Freedom
True freedom is a leap from recklessness to responsibility. It's to be mindful of the consequences of our actions.
One Life Many Lives
As series of drops make up a waterfall, tiny moments and experiences create what appears to be a lifetime.
A Fistful of Love
A Fistful of love is my latest paperback containing fifty posts on love, relationships and life from this blog.
The Most Profitable Deal
The life of Guru Nanak Dev is a teaching, a divine message in its own right. Here's a beautiful story.
How Much is Enough?
Here's a beautiful story from the life of Alexander the Great on the futility of reckless pursuits.
The Balloon of Happiness
Here's how to be happy in this day and age. It's philosophical yet not far from the truth.
The Greatest Skill
Your path to happiness may be influenced by the various colors of life, but ultimately, it's solely carved by you.
The Silent Witness
When you learn to observe yourself and your thoughts, you become like incense. The more life burns you the more scent you emit.
The Only Thing You Ever Need to Know
What I'm sharing with you today could be your mental and emotional anchor in most difficult situations in life.
2014 at a Glance
All moments must pass, all seasons must go, giving way to the next. This is the truth of Time.
When will My Bad Time End?
"Why does this always happen to me?" This is the most common question people ask when tough times eclipse their lives, when adversity gnaws at their happiness.
The Secret of Healthy Relationships
Loving and living are not synonyms. Loving may be an emotional matter but living together is mostly about practicality.
Happiness is a Journey
Happiness is the path we walk. It's a matter of commitment, in fact, it's a choice and not always the outcome.
If Truth Be Told — A Monk’s Memoir
If Truth Be Told is my memoir slated to be released next month by Harper Collins India. This is my life's journey thus far.
The Eternal Truth
All living entities are constantly working towards the same truth. It's simple and penetrating. Here's my perspective.