Nothing to write home about. An ignorant child of Divine Mother, just trying to be a humble servant of dharma.
Overcoming Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Just like a lotus stays above mire and water, you can stay above negative...
The Three Legged Elephant
You can't not think about something by not thinking about it. The mind will...
Vision of the Goddess
Mother Divine manifested in full glory in a cold snowy winter in the Himalayan...
Traṭaka — The Practice of Still Gaze
Trataka, or the practice of still gaze, is the art of perfecting and stilling...
Ekagrata — The Practice of Concentration
The practice of concentration is an absolute must for any meditator. It is the...
From Conversations to Concentration
For good meditation and for a great memory, a meditator must develop the concentration...
Ma — The Divine Mother
Here's a beautiful video on Mother Divine based on the soul-stirring song by Pandit...
The Value of a Gift
When you give your gift to the right recipient, it flourishes, they value it....